Sometimes your posts may have to be moderated, this is used to help keep the standard of our feed high for Snizl Users.
Please Note: Competition posts on the Free Plan are automatically placed into moderation to be checked before going live.
Common Causes
A post may be placed into moderation by our team for many reasons but here are some common ones to help you avoid moderation:
Posting competitions that require extra steps to enter such as liking a Facebook page or posting competitions that have a manual draw. our competitions are fully automated to save you time, the users enter by clicking a button, and they are then incentivised to share the competition post for more chances to win, the competition is then automatically drawn by the platform on the end date you set. You are required to send the prize to the winner that the Snizl platform chooses. Learn more about how to post a competition
broken claim methods, if your website link doesn't work or your phone number isn't valid.
Low quality, it is our responsibility to make sure our feed is full of great posts, we are always happy to help, for help check our guide on what makes a good post
Posting products/services related to any of the restricted businesses in our terms and conditions.
How to Resolve
To find out exactly what the problem/s is, simply contact our team via live chat or email
Then you can find your posts in moderation by going to manage posts and clicking the moderation tab. This is where you can edit the post and make the required changes.
Once your post has been edited we will check it and approve. Failure to reach out to us or correct a post will result in the post being rejected.